28 Amazing benefits of Mangoes for Skin, Hair and Health - Part 3

15. Iron for women

Mango is rich in Iron. Person who is suffering from anemia should add mangoes in their daily diet. Generally women after menopause become weak and they should consume mangoes and other fruits rich in iron. Too much eating of mangoes should be avoided during pregnancy.

16. Scurvy

Scurvy is very popular traditional natural remedies to treat scurvy. Dried powder of raw mango that is prepared after drying in the sun light is highly useful in the treatment of scurvy (Scurvy is a disease occurred because of deficiency of vitamin C).

17. Liver disorder

Raw mangoes are outstanding fruit for liver disorders. The acids contains in the green/raw mango generates the secretion of bile and perform as an intestinal antiseptic. Consumption of green/raw mango with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of black pepper improves biliousness, and cures diseases like jaundice.

18. Blood disorder

The fresh green raw mango has ability to cure blood disorders. It increases the flexibility of the blood vessels and supports the creation of new blood cells. It aids the easy digestion of food, iron and prevents internal bleeding. It increases immunity against anemia, tuberculosis, dysentery & cholera.

1.      Consumption of Mango or mango juice regularly in the evening reduces physical weakness and supports nervous system. 

19. Pregnancy

pregnant woman must consume at least one mango a day - the calcium and magnesium of the mango relaxes the muscles, reduces stress and prevents abortion. Mango is considered to have a quite beneficial for baby’s growth patterns. Mango juice for pregnancy is a pleasant option.

The truth is, mango has low calories along with important properties of vitamin C, fiber and vitamin A, and it increases the speed of the child’s physical and mental growth. Moreover, the beta carotene content within the fruit means that it considerably helps in prevention of the development of heart disease in both the mother as well as the child.

Moreover, mango peel is rich in phytonutrients, such as the pigment antioxidants like carotenoids and polyphenols.

20. Anemia & detoxification

The mango fruit contains vitamins A, C and D, vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine), along with beta-carotene. In Unani medication, mangoes are used to eliminate toxins, treat anemia, and cure the nervous system disorders. Ayurveda utilizes the dried mango flowers for the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, as well as urinary tract infections (UTI). Mango fruits, seeds, leaves, roots & bark all contain strong nutrients, particularly the flavonoids like catechin, phenolic acids and the xanthone mangiferin. Mango has a high ORAC because of antioxidants. Whereas the high iron properties in mangoes treats anemia.

21. Dysentery

Take half teaspoon dried powder of Mango leaves with warm water 2 or 3 times a day to control dysentery.

22. Bleeding

Mango contains Vitamin C and Calcium which tightens the capillary vessels and prevents bleeding of inner parts. 

23. Teeth problem

Dried Mango seeds are known as excellent toothpaste strengthens the gums and helps in curing dental problems and it removes foul smell and pyorrhea. 

24. Gall & kidney stones

Soak 10-15 grams dried mango leaves powder overnight. In the morning drink on an empty stomach. This drink is very useful in breaking kidney stones & detoxification.

25. Child’s eating soil habit

Consumption of dried Mango seed powder with fresh warm water controls the habit of eating soil in kids.

26. Fever

Apply fine paste of mango roots on the palms & soles, it cures fever.

27. Fire burns

Burns the mango leaves & apply the ash on the burnt or affected parts, it gives quick relief.

28. Dry cough

Roast a fully ripe mango on hot sand in a deep pan. Sucking the juice of this mango removes all bronchial clogging and gives relief in cold & cough.

Last but not least…

1.      Don’t eat mango on empty stomach.
2.      Don’t eat too much mangoes it cause constipation, blood impurities, digestive disorders, gaseous & several eye related problems.
3.      After eating mangoes, don’t drink water for 30 minutes.
4.      If you have a latex allergy, a reaction is possible with mangoes and especially (raw) green mangoes. This reaction occurs because of anacardic acid.
5.      Quick reactions may include itchiness at the angle of the mouth, lips, and tip of the tongue. In a few people, the reactions can be serious, through symptom like mouth ulcers, swelling of the lips, vomiting, respiratory complications and diarrhea.
6.      Mango peel and juice contain urushiol, the element in poison ivy and poison sumac that can cause an allergic reaction in susceptible individuals.
7.      Mangoes are ripened by several dealers using calcium carbide which can cause severe health problems. Wash mangoes properly before consuming or soak overnight in water. Always eat organic mango fruit. 
8.      Choose mangoes with undamaged skin without any damage or cuts. Ripe mangoes must be stored in the refrigerator. Get back to normal temperature when the mango is to be eaten to enjoy the natural nutrition and flavor. 

